Function to generate clean url slugs from string with duplication check
function generateClassifiedSlug($string, $id=0){
//Set char set to UTF-8 - to manage accented characters
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF8");
//Remove everything except alphabets and digits
$url_string=preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/i"," ", ltrim(rtrim(strtolower($string))));
//Remove multiple spaces
$url_string = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $url_string);
//Replace space with dashes
$newurl_string=str_replace(" ","-",$url_string);
//Condition for add / update
if(!empty($id) && $id!=0){
$condition = "BlogId!='".$id."' AND ";
$condition ="";
$queryCount = 'SELECT blog_url from tblblogs WHERE '.$condition.'
blog_url LIKE "'.$newurl_string.'"';
//Check duplicate
$rqC = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($queryCount));
while($rqC != 0) {
//Add number to avoid duplicate
$newurl_string = $newurl_string."-".$i;
$queryCount = 'SELECT blog_url from tblblogs WHERE '.$condition.'
blog_url LIKE "'.$newurl_string.'-'.$i.'"';
$rqC = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($queryCount));
$newurl_string = $newurl_string.(!empty($i) ? "-".$i : "");
return $newurl_string;
} uses this